Thursday, November 08, 2007

What does the strike mean to us??

I've been extrememly, terribly bad at updating this blog because of endeavors elsewhere, but feel the need to comment about the writer's strike. As of today, "The Office", "Desperate Housewives", "The Big Bang Theory" and several other shows have halted production. Late night TV shows are already in re-runs. Many series, like "Dirty Sexy Money" only have about 11 episodes- meaning we'll get new shows until early December, and then THAT'S IT!! We'll be bombarded by reality TV. Freakin' great.

So what are they striking about? Writers get NO money from reairing of the shows they've written that re-air the web, no credits, and the same goes for DVD sales. They get nothing! I can't imagine what it must be like to write something like "Transformers" and have it do the gangbuster DVD sales that it did (8 million in it's first week) and NOT get a single dime from it. I mean, couldn't you give them even a single percentage of the sales? Because you wouldn't've had anything without the writers, and now you (the studio execs) will lose advertising revenue and possibly the respect of the american public. Yeah, I'm ticked that they're on strike, but I'm not ticked at the writers. I'm angry that the studios are refusing to even discuss it. I'm angry that because of the strike, it's not the actors and writer's who will suffer (at least not right away), it's the guys who do the lighting, the assistants, staffers and everyone else who works behind the scenes to bring our favorite shows to life who will suffer. If it continues too long, it could start affecting our local economy when our local affliates start losing ad revenue and may have to make station cutbacks. They're the people who have families and mortgages and probably no where near the cushion of money that the higher ups do to be able to ride out the strike.

So, support the writers and get angry with the execs. Maybe if they realize we, the television viewers, are behind the writers, they'll start talking.

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