Wednesday, May 10, 2006


"Wonderfalls" was a curious show (again aired on Fox...cancelled after only four episodes) about a young college graduate who returned to her home town only to work in a souvenir shop. In each episode, the main character Jaye, was instructed to do things by inanimate objects in the store that would come to life with the purpose of giving her instructions. It was so abruptly cancelled, it wasn't even given the honor of a cliff-hanger. Originally there were only 13 intended episodes that are now available on DVD From Amazon. All thirteen episodes have aired on the LOGO network, which is limited in availability.

Although the series creators had intended for the 13 episodes of Wonderfalls to tell a standalone story (perhaps anticipating cancellation after the first season), apparently the writers were already thinking as much as two years ahead. According to an interview featured on the 2005 DVD release of the series, the producers revealed that they already had plans for the second and third season. In the second season, Jaye’s therapist would document their sessions, eventually publishing a book on her, which would lead to her being institutionalized with “Jesus Syndrome” in the third season.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I faintly rememeber seeing previews for that, thinking it was really dumb.