Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Updated 6/8/06...Contains SPOILERS if you have not seen the series finale.

While it's not dead yet, especially if fans have their way, "Everwood" seems to be going the route of many a good show...cancellation. Admittedly, I didn't watch this show from the very beginning (I caught on later in the first season), but have definitely caught up over the past three years. This is such a terrific show, with great writing and characters you really care about.

While we will see an ending with some closure to the show (two endings were filmed just in case it was not renewed), there were indeed plans for the show's fifth season. According to "Watch With Kristin" at www.eonline.com, plans were made to have Sarah Lancaster's character, Madison, return to Everwood and surprising Ephram. That would have been interesting, given Ephram's realization that he still loves Amy (after all "She's his lobster")and Amy's finally coming around to realize that Ephram is who she is meant to be with. This show had a great ending (though I thought a flash forward might have been nice...maybe three years or so, to see Lily still with the Abbotts, Andy and Nina expecting, or toting a toddler, and Ephram and Amy getting married. I'm still on the fence about Hannah and Bright as he really did something unforgivable...but the growth in his character in their final scene together was perfect. Perhaps the flash forward would only have them getting together at the wedding, now that they've both grown up and have changed even more--yes I like happy endings!).

In the meantime, lets show our support for the show at this site: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/saveeverwood. Who knows, maybe it will get picked up for a fifth season...stranger things have happened.

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