Friday, February 08, 2008

"Lost"- Revisited

Spoilers below: Ye have been warned.

Despite the fact there are many answers we don't have, I find myself not really caring in light of some of the new mysteries we've been given in last night's episode, "Confirmed Dead". So, we now know that the new characters (whose introductions I really enjoyed, compared to the Nikki and Paolo fiasco- though they went out with a bang) are on the island for Ben. And they most definitely know about Dharma and the "lawyer" from Oceanic that visited Hurley in the institution last week is NOT working with Oceanic and is at least part of the mastermind behind the new group sent to the island.

So new questions- why do they want Ben (my guess is someone found out and is not too happy about the 40 people he killed a few years thoughts? There must be Dharma members on the outside who know that there's been no communication with the island, and they've been searching for it)? And why is Miles so particularly angry?

-how the hell did a Dharma polar bear end up in the middle of a desert in Tunisia, and with a Hydra station collar?

-do you really think Dan didn't know why he was crying about Oceanic 815?

-Ben looked like he was telling the truth when he said he didn't know what the smoke monster was...but do you think he was?

-Will Miles be able to sense or see Jacob?

-Why doesn't Ben just keep his mouth shut? Do you think he secretly feels a need to be punished for his past crimes, or has a death wish? I mean, does he really think that his snarky comments won't get him beat up?

-On rewatching the premiere, "Jacob" was indeed wearing white tennis shoes, and was obviously in the form of Jack's father- but why? He could've appeared to be anyone to Hurley, as he wouldn't know Jack's father, so why that particular form? And who's eye was that? I don't think it was Locke, the face wasn't right. But it did kind of look like Mikhail (even though he's supposedly dead).
And, not really related to last night's episode, but kind of- I had the craziest "Lost" dream last night, in which nearly all of the survivors, with the exception of Kate, Sawyer and a couple of others were dead in the "war" (mentioned in the voiceover for next week's episode), and the bodies had all been put into a Dharma station that they were getting ready to explode so as to bury the bodies in a mass grave. Then I woke up feeling like I hadn't watched last night's episode yet and had to remind myself several times that I hadn't missed an episode, LOL.

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