Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I've noticed some incoming searches wondering if "Afterworld" is cancelled. If youtube and myspace aren't airing new episodes daily, go to There you can watch up through episode 92 and they do indeed show a new episode every day (part of their deal with Budweiser). There are only 130 episodes slated- not 500 as some have reported. The 130 episodes were going to be broken into 3 seasons, and are on myspace and youtube, but there is no separation or lag between episodes on budtv.

So, obviously Russ makes it home (he's the narrator from 3 years in the future), but is his family going to be there? Is the Walker going to become the new world order that Russ has been hoping for- the group that embraces the new world and is grateful for the second chance?

Weigh in with your opinion/theories!

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