Monday, May 07, 2007

Lost Gets an END DATE

It's official, according to Kristin@ ABC released a statement saying that "Lost" has officially 48 episodes left and will air in 3 16 episode seasons (due to some international deal). Apparently, after seeing the season finale (which is a game changer a la "Alias" style**) we will know why there can only be 48 more episodes.

So what's your theory about why? I think it's that all the little online games, clues and stories have all been talking about the end of the world and how the Dharma Initiative was supposed to be working to stop it- this supposedly has something to do with the numbers. So, if there's an "end of days" date- it would limit how many episodes they can do especially if the world were to end in say 48 days or less from the end of the season.

** "Alias" game changing episode= Francie is killed, Sydney disappears and wakes up in Hong Kong where she quickly discovers that two years have passed and she was believed dead.

**On a good note- "Lost" will be moving to an earlier hour! YAY!!!

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